Executive Committee


prof tarek elbazPresident

Prof. Tarek Elbaz

prof tarek elbazPresident - elect

Prof. Robert Najem

prof tarek elbazVice President

Prof. Torke Alotaibi

prof tarek elbazSecretaty General

Prof. Safaa Almukhtar

prof tarek elbazTreasurer

Prof. Amr Hussien

prof tarek elbazImmediate past President

Prof. Mohamed Ghnaimat



Past Presidents


Prof. Abdel Moneim Hassaballa

Prof. Mohammad Saied Abu Melha

Prof. Rashad Barsoum

Prof. Aziz Al-Matri

Prof. Riyad Saeed

Prof. Samir Horaib

Prof. Omar Aboud

Prof. Ahmad Al-Arayed

Prof. Mohammad Hilmi Abu Zaid

Prof. Tariq Suhaimat

Prof. Saeed Al-Ghamdi

Prof. Abdul Karim Sheiban


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